Consuming an API and transforming JSON payload to Excel (xlsx) in Mulesoft

Enrique Gamboa
7 min readDec 19, 2021



In this post, I walk through step by step how to consume an API and transform its JSON response into an excel file using Mulesoft as shown in the diagram of Figure 1. For this task, the project has been developed using AnyPoint Studio.

Figure 1: JSON to Excel by AnyPoint Studio.

The API to be used in this project is the Pokemon API, which is a simple GET HTTP request that takes a pokemon name as input and returns a JSON string with information about this pokemon such as abilities, height, weight, types among other interesting facts about your favorite pokemon.

All the Pokémon data you’ll ever need in one place, easily accessible through a modern RESTful API. (PokeAPI, 2021)

Here you can see the Pokemon API for more information: Link. The purpose of this post is to showcase the steps taken in AnyPoint Studio to archive data transformation in Mulesoft.

If you want to download this project, here is the GitHub repo: Link

Understanding the PokeAPI data

This API is pretty simple to consume, just call the URL with your favorite pokemon to get JSON results. Figure 2 shows the data returned by the API when I choose the pokemon: Scyther. The final output of this exercise would turn this input data into an Excel file.


Figure 2: PokeAPI JSON response

JSON to XLSX (Excel) in Mulesoft AnyPoint Studio

Follow these steps to transform your pokemon data.

1 — Create a mule Project (File->New->Mule Project) [Figure 3]
*Add the project name: pokemonToExcel
*Use Mule 4 as Runtime
*Leave other options as default
*Hit Finish.

Figure 3: New Mule project

2 — From the Mule Pallet add a Listener [Figure 4]
*On the search bar type listener, and drag the HTTP listener to AnyPoint Studio.
*Hit the + button on Connector configuration.
*Leave the configurations as default. (Make sure your 8081 port is available, or change it here).
*Test the connection here to make sure your listener works properly.

Figure 4: HTTP Listener configuration

In the Listener configuration add the path that your API will use and specify the variable {pokemon} which later will be sent to PokeAPI as Input (Figure 5).

3 — From the Mule PaletteSet a Variable’ (Figure 6)
*Using Core>Set Variable, name it pokemonName and set the value to the URL variable from the previous step, using this script:

Figure 6: Set a Variable configurations.

4 — From the Mule Palette, get an ‘HTTP>Request’; drag the object right next to the set variable node. In this step, the PokeAPI is being invoked and consumed.
*Click the + button on Basic Setting, configurations
*Add the PokeAPI host and Base path as follows (Figure 7):

Figure 7: HTTP Request configuration for PokeAPI.

In the HTTP request, leave the method like GET, and add the URL variable created on step 3 (vars.pokemonName) into the path field as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: HTTP Request configurations to consume PokeAPI.

5 — From Mule Palette add a ‘Transform Message’ node just right next to the HTTP request just created.
*On the Input section, hit ‘Define metadata’ (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Transform Message — Input Define metadata

Follow these instructions to define metadata: (Figure 10)
*On Select metadata type window, click on the + Add button.
*Name it responseStructure.
*Change the type to JSON.
*Change Schema to Example, and save the PokeAPI response into a JSON file on your local drive, call it something like responseExample.JSON and select this file here.

Figure 10: Define metadata configurations for PokeAPI JSON input.

On the output data side, select Define metadata (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Transform Message — Output Define metadata

On the Select metadata type window, click on the + Add button. (Figure 12)
*Name it excelStructure. Then Select Excel in type.
*Create an excel tab for each object that the API response has. For the root results, I have created a tab called root. For each other object from the response, I have created the following tabs: abilities, forms, game_indices, held_items, moves, past_types, species, sprites, stats, and types.

Figure 12: Define metadata configurations for XLSX (Excel) output.

Having the Input and Output defined, the data transformation takes place. Select the attributes from the input that matches the metadata on the output side. The Output represents the excel file tabs created in the previous step.

TIP: *When an Array<Object> gets matched with an excel tab, make sure to flatten out the array. After dragging and matching the objects, (Figure 13) right-click on the output object and hit, Apply Transformation -> flatten(…)

Figure 13: Flatten transformation function applied to an Array<Object> from the input.

TIP: Also, for the matching objects which are just: object data types, make sure to make them an array, wrapping them on brackets [] like Figure 14. Doing this the DataWeave compiler will process it as an array of one element which represents a row in the spreadsheet.

Figure 14: Brackets [] added to payload.species object to be processed as an array by DW.

The correlation among all the JSON payload and the Excel output is displayed in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Correlation among input and output on Transform Message node.

The Dataweave script for this transformation is being displayed below in Figure 16.

Figure 16: Data weave script from Transform Message node
%dw 2.0
%Data weave script from Transform Message
output application/xlsx---{root: [{base_experience: payload.base_experience as String,height: payload.height as String,id: as String,is_default: payload.is_default as String,location_area_encounters: payload.location_area_encounters,name:,order: payload.order as String,weight: payload.weight as String}],abilities: flatten ( payload.abilities map ( ability , indexOfAbility ) -> ability ),forms: flatten ( payload.forms map ( form , indexOfForm ) -> form),game_indices: flatten ( payload.game_indices map ( gameindex , indexOfGameindex ) -> gameindex),held_items: flatten ( payload.held_items map ( helditem , indexOfHelditem ) -> helditem),moves: flatten ( payload.moves map ( move , indexOfMove ) -> move),past_types: flatten ( payload.past_types map ( pasttype , indexOfPasttype ) -> pasttype),species: [payload.species],sprites: [payload.sprites],stats: payload.stats map ( stat , indexOfStat ) -> stat,types: payload.types map ( vtype , indexOfVtype ) -> vtype}

6 — From Mule Palette add a ‘File> Write’ node, to export the excel file directly to a specific path.
*On the Basic Setting section, click on the plus + button, and leave the File Config as default (Figure 17).

Figure 17: File Config set up window — leave as default.

Then add on the write node configurations, the path, and the extension of the output file. Specify the path and output.xlsx (Excel) file name with extension. As shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: ‘Write’ configurations, path, and file name with XLSX extension specified.

7 — Finally, run the project.
On Any Point Studio, right-click anywhere on the project and click “Run project pokemontoexcel” (Figure 19) this will start the local servers to execute the API.

Figure 19: Running Mulesoft project.

When the local servers are up and running you will see in the console a message like in Figure 20. This means that the API is running correctly.

Figure 20: Console logs, displaying that the processes are up and running

To test the API, in your rest client, or your browser use this link: (You can change Scyther for any other pokemon you like, such as Pikachu).


The response should be a 200 code status, with the file as payload as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Testing API on Advanced Rest Client

Finally check the file created (Figure 22) on the path specified in step 6. The data from the PokeAPI should be displayed by objects in each tab of the excel file.

Figure 22: Excel file generated from the process with PokeAPI data.


Mulesoft Excel format. Excel Format | MuleSoft Documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 19, 2021, from

Mulesoft developer Certification Exam — level 1 (mule 4). MuleSoft Developer Certification Exam — Level 1 (Mule 4). (n.d.). Retrieved December 19, 2021, from

PokéAPI Documentation. PokéAPI. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2021, from



Enrique Gamboa
Enrique Gamboa

Written by Enrique Gamboa

If art is a human abstraction, Artificial Intelligence is the abstraction of humanity 🦾

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